Pony Club
Customer Notice October 2022
We hope to restart in the near future.
Goulds Green riding school is an official ‘Pony Club’ center, and offer’s qualified training to any child that is interested in joining as long as they meet the required standard. The pony club sessions that we offer run from 3pm-5pm on most Saturdays, and only costs £125.00 for a 6 week term. Parents are welcome to drop off their children at 3pm and pick them up at 5pm. The afternoon is broken up into two 1 hour sessions, 1 riding and 1 stable management. Due to high interest we now run a Pony Club 1hr Stable Management group which is held at 2-3pm on Saturdays during term time. This enables younger members to gain experience before joining our regular Pony Club.
Pony club tutors aim to get the children through various badges and exams. There are over 40 badges for the kids to try and earn and exams to pass such as D-A tests, Bronze-Platinum Awards, Progressive Riding Tests, Riding and Road Safety and many More! If you would like more information on the badges and exams please visit the official pony club website www.pcuk.org
To join the ‘Pony Club’ please give us a call to get all the relevant information you’ll need.